Welcome to De Carteret Family Web site.

The surname De Carteret   has been recorded in British history since circ 999.

The 29th of August 1999, The De Carteret Families from various parts of the world. USA, England, France, Jersey, Guernsey, Sark were invited to join the Millennium celebrations of Carteret village in Normandy.

Since that inaugural gathering, we have had a Reunion of our De Carteret Family members and friends biannually.



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186 Responses to Welcome to De Carteret Family Web site.

  1. Karen Kane says:

    I am a descendant of the Huguenot Daniel Perrin who came to New Jersey on the “Phillip” which landed here in 1665 and which was commanded by Philip Carteret. The Perrin family is supposed to have long been connected with the Carterets by blood or marriage on the Isle of Jersey. I have the compilation by Howland Delano Perrine in 1910 which explains some of this connection but would be interested in any new research. Thank you for your attention.

    • Lois Foster says:

      I am related ? through marriages of the past…

      • Lois Foster says:

        Past notation :
        I was so interested to receive your site from a gent on line while I was looking for Vibert and came across Jean- Pierre Vibert the rosarian. I was looking into our family history when a recent obituary sparked my interest. It was a LeVesconte who would have been I believe a 4th cousin or the like of my father. I stumbled in my history on the maternal names Vibert and LeFeuvre which no one seems to have researched on this end.

        I have only a few days ago found a part of my family history linking me to the name Vibert of ?.

        My father was Isaac Lorne MacDougall born Feb 12, 1922 in Inverness Cape Breton Nova Scotia to Bertram Camillus LeVesconte MacDougall of Inverness and Helen Jean McKenzie of Canso, Guysborough Co. They lived in Inverness and later moved to the home of John Lorne(see below) in Strathlorne.

        My grandfathers father was John Lorne MacDougall, Barrister and his mother was Caroline Louisa Alberta LeVesconte of Arichat. They lived in Strathlorne, Inverness County, Cape BBreton, Nova Scotia, Canada.

        Her father Isaac worked with his father’s shipping firm DeCarteret and LeVesconte’s in between Arichat and Channel Island sites. (photo on internet)
        My great-great grandmother’s maiden name was Caroline Susan Jean(died 1876), daughter of John Jean and Louisa Moore(Arichat). Isaac LeVesconte my great great grandfather was a member of the Canadian Parliament as financial secretary in the James W Johnton- Charles Tupper administration and he was Spanish Consular agent in Arichat. He was the son of …

        Jeanne Malzard ( her mother was Jeanne Vibert, born Jan 30, 1765, died Feb 18, 1821 and father Isaac Malzard), who married Peter LeVeconte of St. Helier who was the son of Pierre LeVesconte and Jeanne LeFeuvre, b.1762. Peter LeVesconte, 35 Broad St., St. Helier.
        ***I do know that Isaac had a sister Elizabeth Jane b. Oct 27, 1824 died about 1880 whose husband Peter DeCarteret(1786-1875) son of Jean DeCarteret and Rebecca Rauland of New Rochelle France assisted with the Jersey side of the business died in 1875 in Switzerland. She was baptized at St. Brelode. The DeCarteret’s lived in Jersey, Arichat, Paris, and Bex Vaud in Switzerland. They had a son Peter John DeCarteret born 1850 married Emma Henrietta Cave (daughter of Baronet Cave of Hartley-Wintney)Surrey England. Baronet Cave was Chancellor of the Exchequer in the Lloyd George Government. They lived in Jersey, Switzerland and later at Hanom Court, Surrey near Bristol. (photo on internet) They had 3 children Elizabeth Lilian, b. June 1873 married. Reported to have died in childbirth. ? child of Elizabeth and Isaac had a sister Livy LeVesconte who married a Rev. A. Roger and lived in Switzerland. They had a son in May of 1859 but there is no further info on the Roger family known to me.r husband name. Another son Harold Richard born April 1875 killed in an accident while on leave from WW1. Then Muriel boron in 1876. ?died young. No other info on this family.***

        I am very interseted to know more. Thank You.

        • Sindy Boleat says:

          Hi Lois, names such as Vibert, Le Vesconte, Le Feuvre and Malzard have prominent historical significance in Jersey, Channel Islands and there is an abundance of family information, births, deaths & marriages etc
          You can obtain further information via Jersey Archive or the Societe Jersiaise.

          • Lois Foster says:

            Thank you Sindy. I hope to go there one day soon and do some further research. It seems they were a determined group.

        • bev kennedy says:

          This is amazing. The Jeans married into the Brine family in Nova scotia and the family also traces a branch from the arrival of a Col George Moore who arrived in Halifax a year before it’s founding with his college friend Lord Cornwallis suffice to say the family history is very unusual the ties to Jersey Channel Isles are well worth exploring. Oddly amongst my social circle are friends whose family names I recognize from residences literally next door to each other in the Channel Isles. And they continued to conduct business and inter marry in Nova Scotia. My grandmother’s research has proven to be spot on

        • Hi
          Must say you know as much as us more in some family’s
          We would like you to join Le cercle and have your contribution added to the webpage for Peter John of Hanan Court if you give us permission

          • Lois Foster says:

            I have not written in a while but you had asked our connection. I believe my great great grandmother Caroline Louisa was a sister of Jane LeVesconte b: Oct 7, 1824 married to Peter DeCarteret b. 1786, had a son Peter and daughter in law Emma Henrietta (Cave); they had children Elizabeth Lillian(died at birth), Harold Richard and Muriel.
            I will have a closer look but there is a royal blood document published on the web which lists them as descendants of King Alfred “The Great”; then King Edward the Elder, : King Louis 1V and so on…

      • Dear Lois
        Very interested in the latter part of this where you bring in
        Peter deCarteret Swiss ,I have done that bit of the family
        Will e mail you a report on this his son died while I service
        RNVR , please mail me mikdecar@google.com
        Then we are direct not on. Web

    • Mauric says:

      I can’t help you, but I am interested by Philip Carteret.
      Looking for a portrait of this famous sailor.
      I am writing a book about great men of this time, their stories on the oceans, and the text must get drawings from their busts.
      Perhaps you have a photo of old painting showing your ancestor, and perhaps you will have time and friendship to send it to me. Great thanks

      • Maurice
        Send me your email address

      • Julian Parker, Harpenden UK says:

        Dear Maurice Can you let me know if you ever published your book and the title. My wife is a de Mestral and apparently there is a connection with the family in Switzerland and Morges Museum has an exceptional model of the Swallow which is now fully renovated. As I am an ex mariner a member of the curating committee has contacted me to see if I could find out more about this old ship. Any leads

    • Lyman Perrine says:

      Hi Karen,

      I just discovered I’m a direct male decedent of Daniel Perrin. Not sure if you’ll get this. Are you on Ancestry.com?

      I guess we would be long lost cousins 🙂

      • Karen Kane says:

        I’m on the council of the Huguenot Society of America too. I would love to have more Perrin’s join. Karen

    • John Perrine says:

      My name is John Perrine. I am a direct descendent of the Huguenot Daniel Perrin. I was able to trace through my father & grandfather (John W. Perrine) Highstown, NJ. A distant grandparent lived on a farm (Perrine farm), now Monmouth battlefield and accounts of George Washington and others battled the British while he lived on his farm. Also the story of Molly Pitcher was born there. Something to pass on to my children. Any further info always welcome.

      • Karen Kane says:

        I’m on the Council for the Huguenot Society of America and would love to have more Perrin’s join. Karen Kane

    • James Goff says:

      I have enjoyed the site. While tracing my Goff ancestery I found a Perrine grandmother a grandaughter of Henry Perrine of Staten Island. Any infomation about the Perrines would be apreciated. Thank You. James

  2. Sindy Boleat says:

    In April 1665 Philip Carteret, son of George left Jersey in the Channel Islands arriving in New York Harbour on 29th July 1665. Daniel Perrin was his administrator and was born in France in 1640, died New Jersey 6th Spetember 1719. He was of genteel birth, of Norman descent and a Hugenot. He travelled with Maria Thorel born 1640, of french descent. They were granted a marriage license by Gov.Philip Carteret and married on the 12th February 1666. They are both in the painting by Howard Pyle which is in the circuit Court in Newark, New Jersey.

  3. Lyle Allington says:

    My Grandfather was Alfred George de Carteret married to Florence May de Carteret
    nee Robert who was b.approx 1882 and d.1968 Death certificate shows her a widow.
    If anyone has any information regarding the de carterets of Jersey, where I was born,
    or Carteret (France), where i understand the family came from, about the time of the
    French revolution, I would be very grateful.
    Thank you

    • was you G father born either 1894 1884
      e mail me or find me on F Book

      • S P De Carteret Simmons says:

        My Grandfather was born in 1894 his name was Jessie De Carteret.

      • Dawn Allington says:

        So very sorry Mike , I’ve only seen your reply after all these years .
        Have started again to trace the de Carteret side of the family as me husband is house bound now and would find it so interesting. He left the Island when he was 15 to join the Merchant Navy but remembers his grandmother well

    • jan smith says:

      My late ex-husband is descended from a Carterette, b 1812 (Mrs Wheeler, wife of a quarryman), on Guernsey. She was known as ‘Catherine’ until her husband died in 1860s, when she became ‘Harriet’. Am expecting full story from Priaulx Library this week, but assume she was named for one of the Sark Carterets

  4. Matthew Van Matre says:

    Greetings! I am looking for Sharon De Carteret (Rabey). I served with her in Christian missions in 1990 in the UK. After she got married to Colin, I lost contact with her. Could you send her my details – either email or she can find me on FB.
    PS Interesting Eng Hist lesson!

  5. de Cacqueray says:

    Good evening sir,
    my name is Lionel de Cacqueray ,i am french,my family become from Normandie !IN MY FAMILY BOOk it’ s wrote that my holdest grand father was with william the conqueror in England and before with your king Richard coeur de Lion in the ” 3 eme croisade”,it will be very interesting to me to know how the Carteret and the Cacqueray
    may be cousin’s!
    thank for your answer and sorry for my poor english
    Lionel de Cacqueray

  6. Joseph Carter says:

    Hi, I’ve been tracing my family history and I came upon this website: “http://melungeons.com/articles/mariettahistory.htm”; Which seems to link Honfroi de Carteret with the Carters of Virginia. The earliest ancestor I can find, however, was named LeCaretier: “http://trees.ancestry.com/tree/21991816/family?cfpid=20006502938” and was born 100 or so years after Honfroi. If anyone has any information that can link these two or not would be great. Thank you.

    • Stuart Rogers says:

      I am descended from Phillipe de Carteret (1612) and Mary de la Place and their daughter Elizabeth (1647) who married Benjamin Dumaresq.

      Further to your reference to Melungeons it would not surprise me if they were part of the North African crews of either Carthagians or Phoenicians.

      The Bourne Stone. found at Cape Cod has the name “Hano” carved in it, along with a claim to the land. Hano was a Carthaginian Admiral abt 425BC.

      The Phoenician explorers were also excellent navigators and sometime after 600AD possibly came to North American along with their mixed crews from North Africa seeking trade. There is other stone inscription evidence of them penetrating into the centre of the continent along the Mississippi and its western tributaries. I believe that Melungeons have been in North America much longer than most people accept. See Gloria Farley’s books or those of Barry Fell if you are interested in this further.

    • Thanks for any info for I am also looking forward to confirming parents for an “Odo LeCarterer” 1200. Odo is the earliest name on the Virginia Carter line of my tree and the only clue is that Odo was born in Normandy, France. I am using ancestry.com and their hints, but this seems to be a dead end; However, I would like to find the names that connect and carry the Virginia Carter line back as far as possible.


        We might have a connection. I have a line from Odonious (Odo) and his father Monsieur Philippe Le Carette
        BIRTH 1175 • Carette, France
        DEATH 1235 • Bedfordshire, England
        My 23rd great-grandfather

        His father on my pedigree is ?? Le Caretier
        BIRTH 1150 • France
        DEATH 1210 • France
        My 24th great-grandfather

        • norma baxter brown says:

          hello cousin…i am decended from odo….i live in virginia…my grandmother’s mother was a carter..
          you can email me and i will give you the list of decent i have..
          it will be nice to hear from you..
          i did get an invite from the Caretier society in france this year…unfortunately i could not attend..

        • Lisa Carter Newland says:

          This is also in my family line! I would be ever so grateful to find out more information. I have a Sir Le Charatteur who married Eol? as the parents of Philepe Le Carette. Still searching

  7. JODI CARTRETT says:

    My father and grandfather both told me that our family came from the Carterets of New Jersey and I have traced them back to the De Carterets of Normandy.

  8. Jodi
    e mail me on mikdecar@cwgsy.net Iwant to know about your New Jersey line
    I am the Chairman of Le Cercle de Carteret

    • Marilyn (William Edward DeCarteret) DeCarteret says:

      Hi Mike,
      My husbands great grandfather was born on the Isle of Jersey and had his own sailing ship. The ship was lost at sea and his body was later found, washed ashore. His son, William DeCarteret, lied about his age (was 12) and joined the British Navy in order to help support his mother and siblings. He later lived for a while with Queen Victoria and went to school with her sons and Winston Churchill, who became a lifelong friend. We have little other information and wondered if there might possibly be some history out there!
      Thanks for any help you might give us.

  9. Monique Decarteret says:

    Hi-I’m a Decarteret from Jamaica, my family is the only ones in the country with that last name. My father never knew his dad but gathered that his mother met his father while he was visiting Jamaica from france on a ship. Apparently my grandmother lost contact with my grandfather-my siblings and I would love to find my grandfather but have no idea where to start; we don’t have any info…..my father was born in the ’50s…..any suggestions?

    • John Raymond de Carteret says:

      I am intrigued by Monique Decarteret’s email. I was born in Jamaica 5th Dec. 1945. My father Raymond Jasper de Carteret, was a GP in Brown’s Town St. Ann. I went to prep school at de Carteret School (now College) in Mandeville. When I was 12 I went to Munro College, St. Elizabeth, until I came to England to finish school and university. I worked back in my father’s practice for 6 months in 1972 before returning to the UK.
      I never met another de Carteret in Jamaica. The school was named after Bishop de Carteret, who was bishop of Jamaica in the early 20th century. I never did know which branch of the family he came from. He was not a direct relative of ours and my father coming to Jamaica was not connected with the bishop. My father Raymond Jasper, was born in India and his father Herbert, in New Zealand. My great grandfather emigrated with his family to New Zealand in ?1848 from Jersey. I wonder if Monique is a relative of the Bishop? I have 3 sisters, Scharlie, Lois and Dorothy. They all live in UK now and have children and grandchildren.

      • Dr Ken Hines says:

        I have just come across your message by chance. I worked with a Dr Jasper DeCarteret at St Barts hospital London in the early 1970s. I know he had a daughter called Lois who I think trained as a nurse. I last heard of her married and living in the Birmingham area, but thats some 40+ years ago. They were both very committed to their Christian faith and I believe Lois and her husband were working for the church in Birmingham. I imagine Jasper was promoted to Glory some years ago, but I feel sure you are his son. Jasper was my mentor at the time and I greatly enjoyed working with him and learnt a great deal from him

        • Lois Cuthbert says:

          I have just by chance looked at this web site as I am staying in Sark at the moment and thought I’d look up the de Carterets and saw the email above from you. Nick and I are still living in Birmingham. If you want to get in touch please do. Lois

          • Paul Northen says:

            Lois hope you are well saw this website about the family and thought I’d see if we can reconnect. I’m in Bear De USA

      • Paul Northen says:

        John its Paul Northen, would love to reconnect when you have a chance. Saw this website on the family and thought I’d try. Hope you are well. Also saw your Eco home very interesting. I too have solar energy to run my electric. I live in Bear De USA.

    • Jeffery Stewart says:

      Hello Monique,
      My name Jeffery Stewart from Jamaica is the Stewart link to the Decarteret.

  10. Mike de Carteret says:

    Send me what you know

  11. Sandy Maynard says:


    I am looking for information on my Grandmother’s (Helen de Carteret) mother who was Daisy de Carteret from the Isle of Jersey. Does anyone have information pertaining to her?

  12. Desira Smith says:

    Mary Ann de Carteret married Thomas John Mauger
    They had Wilfred John 1906
    Florence Violet 1914
    Wilfred John 1906
    Eunice Marie 1909
    Walter John 1901
    John Philip 1901

    Any of these connect to any other person in the group?

    • Nicholas de Carteret Webb says:

      Hello Desira

      I am Nicholas de Carteret Webb. My mother was Florence Violet Mauger.

      Kind regards


      • Desira Smith says:

        Hello Nicholas and would love to discuss this further. Just on the spur of the moment look at this site and was pleased to see your contact. However, just about to go away until Monday after which l contact you again. You on Guernsey or Jersey, my brother is on Guernsey. Was hoping for a reunion this summer but it did not happen. Speak soon. Thank you

      • Desira Smith says:

        My great grandmother was Alice Jane born 13.031871 in St Ouen- her parents were Thomas John Mauger a farming family in St Ouen and Jane de Gruchy from St Peter Alice Jane’s brother was Thomas John born 31.01.1848, who grew up with his grandparents John Helier Mauger a farmer of 3 acres, St Ouen and Nancy Sophie Grandin from Trinity. Thomas John (230 married Mary Ann de Carteret born St John (23) on 20th April 1899 in St Helier Her father was Philip de Carteret, fisherman. They had Walter John and John Philip 1901, Wilfred John 1906, Euince Marie 1909 and Florence Violet 1914. Thomas John 22.05.1952 died of stomach cancer in St Clements. I have met two of their great grand daughters who still live on Jersey. If anyone else can link into this in any way and would like to share, it would make me very happy. Many thanks

      • Desira Smith says:

        do you have a family tree to view or photos of your mum and /siblings? would love to see them or hear memories. Coming to Guernsey on 21st October for a few days.

    • valerie bridgman says:

      my mother was Eunice marie mauger, and my grandparents were Thomas john mauger and ann de Carteret, I was also born in jersey.nicholas de careret webb is my cousin, From what you say we must be related.

      • Desira Smith says:

        looks like we are related – that is exciting because I was hoping to make contact with “a living family member”. Are you living on CI or further away. I am in weymouth but my brother is on Guernsey and I will be visiting him tomorrow for a few days. I would like to keep in touch with you to share any stories etc we may have. Best wishes until we talk again. Desira x

        • v, bridgman says:

          Hi Desira.
          I live in Gloucester but my sister lives in jersey. yes it would be great to share any stories, my mother told me loads. Valerie x

  13. Larry Woods says:

    It has been passed thru our family that my 7xgrandfather Edward Taylor born 1650 in Yorkshire, Eng died 1710 in New Jersey was married to Catherine De Carteret born 1652 in Monmouth Co, New Jersey, daughter of Philippe De Carteret. I have recently started researching my family history, and am wondering if anyone can help me find a connection between Phillipe and Catherine De Carteret. I have also found a James De Carteret in New Jersey at this time, and cannot connect him either. Any help would be appreciated. Larry

    • norma g baxter brown says:

      i have been working on our link to carters and le carterets and de carterets…it is it is not very easy with several name changes in spelling .
      good luck to you.

    • Kathy Ellis says:

      This also is my line…. Through Catherine who married Edward Taylor. Would love to share info… My info says Catherine was born in 1650’s but Phillipe DeCarteret comes to America in 1660’s…. things are not lining up…

      • Kathy
        You need to show us how you got back to
        Through Catherine who married Edward Taylor. Would love to share info… My info says Catherine was born in 1650’s but Phillipe DeCarteret comes to America in 1660’s
        So e mail me with the Pedegree

        • Pam Beets Kermoade says:

          Catherine de Carteret 1652-1710 that marries Edward Taylor 1649-1710 are my 8th grandparents. I have not found any definitive information linking Phillipe born 1639 and arriving in America 1665 as Catherine’s father. Has anyone proved that link or who is Catherine’s father?

      • Tim Taylor says:

        Have you found any documentation, from the time it supposedly occurred, on this legend?

  14. norma g baxter brown says:

    i am a descendant of johannis lecarter 1340-1393 wife joan..
    apparently his grandsone richard carter changed his name to carter.
    i have been working on my decendant line for my great grand children
    this site is very interesting and i think i am related to all of you.
    norma g baxter brown
    my great grand mother was a carter.

    • Good to see your note Norma. I also have Johannes on my Carter family tree.
      The earliest name on the Carter line of my tree is Odo Le Carterer 1200. Seems to be a dead end with only clue being that Odo was born in Normandy France. I saw the movie of Normandy Landing, and am trying to learn some of the history of that area. I started looking at maps of the area and saw the village of Carteret (nine miles from Jersey) and wonder if the Odo on my tree from Normandy might have been born in that village and knowing that during medieval times people sometimes used their location names as their surnames, I thought that Odo might be connected to that area. I read on someone’s tree about three Carter brothers who saved the life of the king while fighting in a battle and were knighted. Through further looking and saw two Carteret men on the list of men who fought in the battle of Hastings in 1066 and read that William did reward his companions with land in England after their victory and some were given titles and some were knighted. At first I thought that Odo was a first name and was looking for that name, and found Odo de Bayeux (Biship of Bayeux). Bayeux is another village not to far from Carteret and maybe located on or near a Bayou. Then I realized that Odo is often a designation meaning rich and powerful and that I still had no name of the man to whom it belonged. Then I saw info about the Channel Islands and the Carteret family there. I am hopeful of finding fairly reliable parents for Odo Carterer and am still searching. Most of the people I know spend 90% of their time just surviving and have little to no opportunity to do any real searching for roots, but learning where some of my people may have lived makes me feel good. Am hoping that you may have some thoughts on our Carters ?



        I am quite frustrated with the fact that I lived in Normandy for three months while writing a book on military history April – June 2016 and didn’t start my family history project until after I returned to the States.

        My wife and I lived in the small village of Falaise, about 75 miles from Carteret and didn’t have a clue my relatives were (possibly) from there. My wife and I often visited the town of Bayeux. Falaise is the home of William the Conquer and his castle is still there. However, it is a benefi to have lived there and can picture the small towns and villages referenced in the reference material.

        My Carter roots are in East Tennessee. I am retired and live in Palm Springs, California.

      • norma baxter brown says:

        i am so sorry to be so long in reply…still working on ancestors..
        odo carter was born in france…moved to england …some of his decendents arrived in u.s.a…..huge family of carters here…my grandmother was a carter of the odo line
        president jimmy carter is from this line also..
        interesting world we live in..feel free to email me

  15. Rob Wrenn says:

    I am a descendent of a Philip de Cartaret who lived in Charlestown, Massachusetts Bay Colony (immediately north of Boston), dying there April 19, 1767; also involved in affairs of Cambridge, Mass. He was reportedly a mariner, referred to as “Captain”. There is no connection that I know of to the de Carterets of New Jersey. He was married to Elizabeth Dunster, whose grandfather, Henry, was the president of Harvard College. He is called “Cartwright” in his marriage record.

    The one clue I have as to his origins comes from the Heraldic Journal, Volume III, published in Boston in 1867, p. 139: “De Carteret Family. — In the Suffolk Registry we find Letters of Administration granted 9th August, 1745, to Philip de Cartaret of Charlestown, on the estate of Edward de Cartaret, formerly of the parish of St. John’s, in the Island of Jersey. We learn from Mr. T. B. Wyman, that Philip de Carteret was of Charlestown, taxed there as late as 1766. He m. 16 November, 1727, Elizabeth Dunster, and had Philip, and Abigail, wife of William Whittemore. He died 15th April, 1767.”
    I’m not sure what the “Suffolk Registery” is, though it may be the Suffolk County, Massachusetts Registry of Deeds. There are records for a Philip de Carteret as a grantee in the index, though none obviously refer to Edward or to the Island of Jersey.
    I think a Dunster family history
    I looked in the index on your site and did not find an Edward who be an obvious candidate for the Edward referred to above. There is an Eduoard b. 1701 on Sark; There was an honorable Edward de Carteret who died in Essex 1739.
    Does anyone have suggestions about how I might go about determining whether there was in fact an Edward de Carteret in the parish of St. John’s , Island of Jersey in the first half of the 18th Century?

  16. Jen Dickson says:

    My grand mother was Annie Charlotte de Carteret born in New Zealand. She was a missionary in India and married Maurice J.J. Wark and they spent most of their married life there, returning to Australia when they were in their late 70’s.They had 4 children who returned to Australia for tertiary education. Don’t know if any of this is of interest to anyone! Just happened upon the web site.

    • jthomas says:

      Hello Jen Dickson,
      Please use comment box to inform us about your new e-mail address.
      Or could you even put your postal address as we would like to keep in touch.
      The Secretary of Le Cercle De Carteret.





          DEAR JENNIFER ,



      HI JEN,




      DEAR JEN,

      • Susan says:

        I am new to this site. My mother was a granddaughter of Annie Wark (de Carteret) and I have been researching the family tree. I know the names of her four children but am also interested in learning more about the voyage of Jean de Carteret from Jersey to New Zealand.

    • Margie O'Brien says:

      Hi Jen Dickson
      I am a descendant of Margaret de Carteret m Clement Dumaresq, Jersey and doing ancestry searches as visiting Jersey this Christmas 2023.
      An odd question but do you know my sister Gina OBrien mum of Deanna Ezzy?

  17. Maggie Heidenreich says:

    I, too, have been looking for information regarding the marriage between Edward Taylor and Catherine de Carteret. I’ve looked in the de Carteret family tree but didn’t find a Catherine born in or about 1652 in Middletown, NJ. There is the legend of the silver cup, which could have been “a gift” from the de Carterets themselves if Edward Taylor I once worked for them but that is rather far-fetched. Daughters of cousins of Philippe de Carteret may have existed but few ever bothered to document the lives of younger sisters of titled persons. I would love to figure this out!

    • Kathy Ellis says:

      Have heard of the silver cup legend…. It’s not in my Taylor side of the family…. My line is Edward and Catherine as well. Do you have any idea who the parents of Catherine DeCarteret were?

  18. Kim O'Brien says:

    Dear de Crteret members, can anyone shed light on this recent article I found in our National Library microfilm project of our local newspapers. The Mercury – is a local Tasmanian Paper. can anyone shed light on madame Hubert? I have a feeling she is possibly a descendant of mary Ann Carteret who married Elias Hubert. I would love to know the story behind this intriguing newspaper article. Kim O’Brien (Mr.), Shearwater, Tasmania, Australia
    The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 – 1954), Friday 28 June 1929, page 11
    National Library of Australia
    House Searched After Her
    Heirs Unearthing Treasure
    LONDON, June 26.

    Twenty thousand sovereigns have been found in a little house at St. Owen’s Bay, Jersey, Channel Islands, in which resided an eccentric lady named Madame Hubert, over 90 years of age, who died recently. She was known to have had an income of £2,000 a year, and as she never banked money and was very frugal, her heirs decided upon making a thorough search of the house after her death. Sovereigns and half sovereigns, mostly Victorian, were found in all sorts of odd drawers and corners. Other treasures also were discovered. They included 10 letters written by King Charles II to Sir George De Carteret, who was one of Madame Hubert’s ancestors.
    The search continues.’

  19. Claire Scott says:

    I am tracing my ancient many times great grandmother Honora de Carteret born about 1084 who married my many times great grandfather Sit Thomas Fowke ‘The Valiant’ and wondered if anyone has any infomation on her or her father Sir Offray de Carteret?
    Claire Scott

  20. John Davis says:


    does anyone have a family tree of the Cartaret family that might establish the relationship between Magdalene de Carteret (whose monument is in the Town Church, St Helier, Jersey, 1747) and Georgiana Caroline de Carteret (1716-1780).

    I am working on the monuments of Sir Henry Cheere (1703-1781), who is thought to have carved the Magdalene Monument, which was erected at a cost of £300 from funds left by her nephew, Captain de Sausmarez. Captain de Sausmarez’s monument in Westminster Abbey was also carved by Sir Henry Cheere.

    I would be really very grateful for any information about this side of the family.


    John Davis

  21. michele ogier says:

    Hi im looking for anybody who could possibly help me with my search. My granddad was Fredrick Thomas De Carteret born possibly 1918/19/20 and sadly passed away 1987. I belive his mother was a Lena De Carteret, and all we no of his father, the birth certificate said “son of harry”. This is all the information I have. He was brought up by a Frank and Annie Lawrence, from Sark then they moved to Guernsey. My granddad fred married a Evelyn Clara Tostevin.

    Can anybody help me please

    • Michele
      yes cousin I suppose Jenny Thomas contacted you in 2013?
      Uncle Fred was born the wrong side of the BED Annie was his sister and so was she Thomas Peter de Carteret= Annie des Caudeville were in Sark
      doing what all the generation now do,
      Fred was also known as Cook, his maternal Grand Fathers Occupation
      they seem to have (m) in 1886
      e mail me

  22. Dr. L says:

    Can anyone help – my maternal grandmother was a ‘Langois’ (born on Jersey and died there sometime between 1925-1937) and was married to a ‘Kessel’. I was told she was descendent of a ‘ de Carteret’ and had some link to the town of Elizabeth in New Jersey -my mother was evacuated here as a child, and since her father died of TB before the liberation, she stayed on the UK mainland.
    What would be the best way of confirming a link ?

    Thank you.

  23. Lynnsey Cathern Tillman Schaaf says:

    I am looking for any information on my family i have traced them back pretty far. My mother is Connie Catrett, her father is Arthur Catrett, it is said i am am 12th generation of Mssr. De Carterette this is what i have Mssr. De Carterette 1st, Jean De Carterett 2nd, Phillipe De Carterette 3rd, Abraham De Cartetette 4th (Gerorge Carteret changed the name to please the king) sometime. John Carteret 5th, John Thomas Carteret 6th, Willis Carteret or Catrett 7th, Alexander Carteret or Catrett 8th, My Great Grand Father Willis Valentine Catrett is the 9th, Arthur Catrett my Grand Father 10th, My mother Connie Catrett Tillman 11th. I am 12th generation and my sons and daughters the 13th. I have only started researching the family history. Before two days ago I knew nothing of any of this side of my family any help would be greatly appreciated

    • Bobby Catrett says:

      I am GGgrandson of John Thomas Carteret 6th

      • Bobby
        where are you ,? usa
        I have a tree of Carteret there
        email me mikdecar@cwgsy.net

        • Karen Sims says:

          My name is Karen Sims. My mother was Myrtle Nadine Catrett, born 1922 in Booneville, Alabama, USA. I understand that you may have a tree of the Carterets in the USA. I would really appreciate it if you could share the tree with me. It would greatly help in my family research.
          Thank you,
          Karen Sims

    • mikdecar says:

      Ihave no record of you responding to your input. To the Web of 8/10 2013
      You say your descent from 1 st Jean de Carteret through to 4th George (Sir ) 1667-95 Then George s father was not Abraham but Phillip 1641-76
      As you will see on the Webpage go to the index this pedigree is of much interest to us as there are gaps which we love to fill in
      The very best
      Thanks Mike

      • Lynnsey Schaaf says:

        Hi Mike, I haven’t gotten a chance to respond. I have been rsearching other branches of my family and I am just now seeing this. I will click the links above and go research. My Grand Father who is sitll living Arthur Lee Catrett and my Mother and uncles are listed on the family tree. We have about 18 people to add on that line whi are my Grand Fathers grandchildren and his siblings and their families. Thank you for responding and I am continuing this sides line at this time.

  24. Tom Raabe says:

    Strong evidence has surfaced concerning the location of the wreck of Green’s Blackwall Liner Madagascar, which disappeared in August 1853 after sailing out of Hobson’s Bay (at that time, the name of the port of Melbourne, Australia). Some of you may be aware of the tragedy that had befallen the wife of Rivoire Edward De Carteret, Frances Elizabeth Tolcher, who was a passenger on board this ship with the three young children of the couple. It may be possible to help prove that the wreck in question is indeed the Madagascar and what the circumstances concerning the tragic disappearance were, if an artefact which has been found could perhaps be identified as belonging to a passenger. It could of course be from any of the first class passengers, but may even have been in the possession of Frances. Perhaps an old family portrait exists somewhere, depicting this rather rare artefact. If any family member is interested in assisting or finding out more, please contact me.

  25. Larry Woods says:

    When I look at the Database/Surnames/Taylor on the De Carteret Family Web Site I see Edward Taylor born 1650 Yorkshire, England married to Catherine De Carteret born 1652 NJ and was the daughter of Phillip and Catherine De Carteret. I have been looking for Edwards wife Catherine maiden name and have never found it. Has anyone found legitimate proof that Edward Taylor was married to Catherine De Carteret?

  26. David Scott says:

    Dear De Carteret members, I am hoping someone can shed some light on some missing gaps/confusion in my family tree. I am a descendant of Abraham Bisson m Susanne De Carteret. I currently believe Susanne is the daughter of Amice De Carteret m Sarah Dumaresq. Is Amice son of Francois (-1660) m Mary Balliache, as your database suggests (not sure if the dates quite add up). Or is he son of Phillipe De Carteret m Genette de Soullemont as other sources on the www suggest?
    Any help in solving this puzzle would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.
    David Scott

    • Jasmine says:

      Hi David,
      I am also a Bisson.
      Are you referring to the Bisson family that married into the De Carteret family that are blood relatives of the Royal family? (Diana, prince William etc)?
      That is how my family is related.

    • Margie O'Brien says:

      Kia ora David from New Zealand
      My daughter Indi is researching this bloodline.
      You are correct, Amice De Carteret is the father of Susanne and is the son of Philippe De Carteret m Genette de Soullemont.
      We are also a descendant of Sara Bisson m The Reverend Richard Le Feuvre and he is great grandfather of Caroline Le Feuvre and she was my great grandmother x 3.
      I will be visiting Jersey this Christmas 2023…very excited

  27. pat griffin says:

    I search for Ann deCarteret b. 1682 d. 1760 Jersey w. m. Edward Dumaresq/demarest – who had a daughter who m. John Sowersby – JOhn Sowersby died 5-11-1741 & is buried Boston, MA Granary Burial Grounds. any info would be greatly appreciated.

  28. Mandy Jean De Carteret says:

    Hey! Just had your site bought to my attention 🙂
    You have my mum Margaret & dad Frank De Carteret but
    No children
    Mandy Jean 10.04.66
    Paula Jane 20.07.69
    Would love to be part of this group
    Thanks Mand x

  29. George Dalton says:

    How does one become a member of Le Cercle De Carteret? One of my ancestors, John Hubert DeCarteret was born 1 Mar 1796, and emigrated to the US from either France or the Isle of Guernsey. After his arrival in the US, he appears to have lived in South Carolina, where he married before settling in North Carolina. His wife Mary Ann, last name unknown, was born in South Carolina; they had a child, Mary Eliza, who died in 1826 as an infant in York, South Carolina. John Hubert DeCarteret died on 9 Nov 1859 in Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina. I would appreciate any information on him.

    • Karen Macleod says:

      I too am a descendant of the de Carteret family. “My” Amice de Carteret was baptised in 1664 and he was the son of Helier de Carteret and Marie Jutize….do you know anything about these people??
      Would love to ehar

    • Kim says:

      Did you ever receive a reply re your inquiry about john hubert? He is my 3rd ggf and I too am searching for info.

      • George Dalton says:

        John Hubert is also my 3rd great grandfather. In addition to what I said above, this is what I know about him: According to his tombstone in Raleigh NC, he was born on the Isle of Guernsey in 1796. A Mr. DeCarteret arrived in Philadelphia on the ship “Fate” in 1817. The next record I have found is a court document from 1826 saying that, in 1824, he had entered into a partnership (on the basis of an oral agreement) in York, South Carolina, to establish a book binding firm. His first child also died and was buried in York. in 1825 or 6, his business partner died intestate and there was ensuing litigation to sort out all the details of what to do with the assets of the business. By late 1827 he was no longer in York. I presume he went directly to Raleigh, NC, where he did became successfully established as a book binder. He also gave private lessons in French to those who hired him.

    • Valerie Bridgman says:

      Could you please tell me how you become a member

      • jthomas says:

        Hi Valerie,
        I will be sending our membership form to you again, as it seems you have not received it. We have not heard from you, but, rest assured I will e-mail you again.
        Hope your thinking of coming to our 2019 Reunion in Carteret, Normandy, France. We now have the Isles de la Manche Ferry Day Trip from Gorey Harbour. Look forward to hearing from you.

  30. Elisabeth says:

    Hello –

    I am interested in learning more about Sir Philippe DeCarteret, son of Philip DeCarteret and Anne Dowse. According to my records and a lot of research I have done, he allegedly was secretly wed to Mary Henrietta Stuart, daughter of Charles Stuart I of England. It is due to this alleged link and their daughter, Elizabeth DeCarteret that I am most closely linked to the DeCarteret family. It is the descendants of this particular line that made their way to New Jersey. I am anxious to find our more about this part of the line.

    Any information you can provide would be very useful! Thank you!

  31. George John Hunter de Carteret says:

    Hi, I am interested in finding out more about my family history.
    My father was George Roger de Carteret and we lived at Vale Farm in St. Peter, Jersey
    I would appreciate if someone could contact me


    • James Brannan says:

      Dear John
      I knew your father and met him at the inaugural event of the Cercle de Carteret in 1999. I have a file of e-mail exchanges with him about family history and would be happy to share it with you.
      James Brannan

  32. David Sparkes says:

    I have traced my family tree to Jersey where my ancestor John le Huquet married Douce Renouf..This family came from St Martins. I search certain tree’s and Jerseypedia to 2 ancestors Michel Payn and Jeanette De Carteret.. I found other familytree’s on my fathers side was wrong because of people thinking that things are fact without proof! I do know that my family did come from Jersey through census returns as my Grandad’s family settled in Alderney.. my 3x Great grandfather Jacob Barker wife Sarah Ann May, mother Douce Mary LeHuquet in one of the censuses said she was born in Jersey.. Jacobs father had a 50 acre farm called Le Rochers.. on Alderney, The Le Huquets came from St Martins were John Le Huquet was a farmer 16 acres..His Father was Abraham Le Huquet.. any help on the De Carteret family linked to my family would be gratefully appreciated.. I have family names of Payn, Valpy, Baudains, Le Frevre, Renouf in my family tree..Most from St Martins..
    David Sparkes..

  33. Mrs Ann Derriman says:

    I am 54 born 23rd March 1961. To Margaret Rhoda Mayo when she was 23 and the father was John decarteret and his name was on my birth certificate as living in Jersey.
    I was born in Kingston hospital London.
    Margaret did actually live in High Wycombe but was sent away to a hope in Kingston to have me.
    I was adopted at 6 weeks.
    Margaret Mayo (as was) and John Derriman Carteret will both be 77 years old.

    I don’t know exactly what I am looking for, but, would be nice if anything can found out.

  34. Faz says:

    My great great grandmother was Sarah de Carteret, from Guernsey, born circa 1860??? Apparently descended from Philippe de Carteret of Sark

  35. Steve Foote says:

    Do you have any information on Pierre de Carteret who established the first newspaper in Guernsey in 1791? Do you know which of the Pierre de Carterets in the database it would have been?

  36. Jen Dickson says:

    Just read your request for an updated email and address.
    Thanks Jen will be in touch

  37. Stacey Walton (decarteret) says:

    My great great great grandfather is Henry De carteret 1841 sark married Elizabeth Hamon .
    Henry Thomas de carteret born 1875 sark (great great grandfather) married Sophia Jane trotter.
    William Henry de carteret 1896 Gateshead (great grandfather) married Annie Parkinson.
    Thomas de carteret 1928 Gateshead (grandfather) married Gloria Alice ball.
    John Michael de carteret 1958 Gateshead (father)

  38. Justin de Carteret says:

    I recently lost my dad John de Carteret who lived in Jersey I would love to know more about the De Carteret history can anyone help thank you

  39. Desira Smith says:

    Wish to find family ancestors and descendants of THOMAS JOHN MAUGER and MARY ANN deCARTERET 1875, St John, Jersey, daughter of Philip deCarteret and Mary Ann LeQuesne. Any information would be appreciated. Thank you.

  40. jthomas says:

    Hi Desira,
    I shall try to get a contact from Societe Jersaise for you.
    Especially as I also have a Mauger connection, and there are Mauger’s in Jersey.
    The Le Quesne is another “Jersey” surname.
    Thanks for contacting Le Cercle again.
    Best Wishes.
    Jennifer Thomas (nee De Carteret)

    • Desira Smith says:

      hello jthomas, isn’t it lovely to make a connection, however, tiny. If you have any photos and points of interest regarding your connection to Mauger family, I would love to see them and to know where you fit in. I have a wedding photo and am very anxious to find out who is in it. Do you live on Jersey. I have done a lot of research there and will be returning when I have time to look for more information and looking at places and homes where the family previously lived.

  41. Pamela Jean Honsa (DeCarteret) says:

    I have a different request. What is the heart ailment that plagues some DeCarteret’s? My Dad and older brother past before they were 60yrs. Any info would be great.
    Pam Honsa

    • Pam that is why we are trying to get all males to do the DNA.
      It seems to be narrow arteries two of my brothers had Bypass work

      • Pamela Honsa (DeCarteret) says:

        It has been some time. I want to say that my father passed in 1987 from coronary thrombosis age57. My older brother passed in 2008 from congestive heart failure, age 58. later I realized they were both told to quit drinking and smoking. My younger brother has had multiple By-Pass surgeries. I am 66 and taking meds for High Cholesterol My DNA tests found no heart disease.

        • jthomas says:

          Hi Pamela,
          I shall pass your information on to the Chairman by his e-mail.
          Thanks for contacting Le Cercle De Carteret.
          We would be pleased to send you membership details, so we can continue with our web site.
          J. Thomas (secretary for Le Cercle De Carteret

  42. Ian Simon says:

    Hi , my 3x Great Grandfather Abraham Vibert was married to Elise ( Eliza ) De Carteret ( 1817-1891 ) on the 24/06/1838 in St Ouen. All the census records have her listed as being born in Sark , however I can’t find any record of her in your database. Anyone know who her parents were ?

    Thanks Ian

  43. Janet McDermott says:

    Hello. I am looking for information about Lucy Ann Holt (née de Carteret) who married my paternal great-grandfather Henry Holt in 1914, I believe. (He had been widowed many years before this and Lucy was his second wife.) She was born at Vale Farm in St Peter, Jersey in 1875 and was the daughter of George de Carteret. I have copies of her Registration papers, filed during the German Occupation of Jersey in the Second World War and also her Will, written in 1942, but I have so far been unable to find out when and where she died. She had one son, named Leighton Stuart Holt, born in 1915 and I am also trying to find out more about him. Does anyone know anything about Lucy Ann or Leighton Stuart? If so, I would be very glad if you would send me some information. Thank you.

    • Janet
      well I will try to help on this as we have her Great Nephew in
      involved now John Hunter de Carteret father George Roger (d)2001
      Lucy Ann would be a aunt to Roger.
      You should look at the 1911 census , deaths at Find my past.com. wills on line

    • Richard Hemery says:

      Hello, I have some photos of Lucy Ann. Are you on Facebook? I am about to post photos there on the Jersey Family Tree page. Or I can e-mail you them. Best wishes, Richard Hemery

  44. Jim Ridges says:

    Wikipedia, under Philip Carteret, has a portrait of a young man said to be the Explorer, presumably the Captain of HMS Swallow who circumnavigated the world 1766-68. As he named New Ireland in the SW Pacific on 10th Sept. 1767 (250 years next year) we would like a reproducible image for celebrations. Does anyone know the artist, date painted and location of the painting so that a suitable image could be obtained

  45. Connie says:

    Is there any genealogy in your family showing the de Carteret family and the de Carette families are related? In Normandy, de Carteret and de Carette meant of Carteret and of Carette.
    These are separate towns, in Normandy, I would think are the origin of both family names.
    I have ancestors, having a number of spelling variations for their name.
    They are not Irish Carters, or cartmakers. They are from France.
    There is no record of LeCharetter I can find.
    Do you know if Philipe 1259 or Roger LeCharetter 1222 or Odonius LeCaretier 1200 might be from your family?

    • James Carter says:

      I was wondering where Odonius Lecaretier came from. Did his father come from France? Ancestry.com says he was born in Bedfordshire but when I checked the Bedfordshire historical society they have no record of him. Like he never existed.

      • norma baxter brown says:

        aparently odonius was born in france….then changed name to odo carter when he moved to england….

    • Connie
      the only leads I can give at this point is the spelling at the dates you mention
      are from documents of the time , unless you can give me the detail of the information you found , needs to be translated
      we have Phillip s and Rogers as you would have seen in the index
      Do not give UP

    • norma baxter brown says:

      i have odonius le caretier in my family…
      he moved to england from france..
      at that time he changed his name to Odo Carter
      my great grandmother was a carter….this part of the family eventually came to tennessee


        Where in Tennessee? We might have a connection. I have a line from Odonious (Odo) and his father Monsieur Philippe Le Carette
        BIRTH 1175 • Carette, France
        DEATH 1235 • Bedfordshire, England
        My 23rd great-grandfather

        His father on my pedigree is ?? Le Caretier
        BIRTH 1150 • France
        DEATH 1210 • France
        My 24th great-grandfather

  46. You do not give a date , this would Help and where did you get him from BOOK ,
    WHAT SORT OF detail can you give

  47. James
    are you one of our DNA user s if so who have you connected to?

  48. Peter Van Nortwick says:

    I am the grandson of May Hamon who was actually married to George Livengood. If you are interested in the linage and name of the families that came from her I can help you out with that.

  49. Karen Macleod says:

    I would be grateful for any help…
    Does anyone out there have ancestors Amice de Carteret and Marie Payn who were married at St Clements parish on 12/10/1688… Amice was evidently the son of Helier Carteret and Marie Jutize.
    Other family names include Rachel de Carteret, Jacques and Jean Filleul, Judith de Carteret c. 1680, Philippe Godfray (.m1689 Elizabeth Amy. Elizabeth Mattingley, Francois Amy, Jean and Marie Chambrier, Jacques and Rachel le Rougetel, Susanne Filleul b. 1726 Jacques Filleul b. 1731, Jean and Susanne Anthoine, Philippe Aubin, Jean and Sara Maret, Jean Filleul and Susanne Godfray m. c. 1716
    If anyone can see some links here I would love to ehar from you!

  50. norma baxter brown says:

    i would like to get all the info i can about odo carter…or odonis le cartier

  51. Lorraine Palmer says:

    Hello, I just visited St.Ouen Manor April 2017 after doing some research on my Jersey family tree. My link to the deCarteret family would be:Jean le la Haule 1561-1630 married Catherine Sarre 1556-1607, then Edouard Sarre 1529-1579 married Marie Hue.
    Edouard Sarre’s parents were: Michael Sarre 1496-1539 who married Marguerite deCarteret. Then: Edouard deCarteret 1475 married Marie Sarre 1501-1540. Edouard’s parents were: Sir Philippe deCarteret 1453-1534. who married Margaret Haleston 1455.
    My question is: Can anyone tell me if Michael Sarre and Marguerite deCarteret’s marriage record is correct and what would her birth date be? Lorraine Palmer

    • jthomas says:

      Hi Lorraine,
      I have passed your comment on to our Chairman, he will contact you regarding your question.
      Hope this is helpful to you.
      J. Thomas

  52. Jasmine says:

    I have a question!
    I was given my family tree ‘book’ that was put together that ended up costing around $50,000 to be put together!
    In there, it mentioned that a side of the De Carteret family married into the Bisson family (spelt Buisson back then) having to do with prince William and an Elizabeth? I’m so confused as what to say right now as I don’t have the book with me.
    I would like to know all about it. Who married who etc.
    It mentions my family (the Bisson) being related to princess Diana, is there anyone here who is also related to that side?
    Also read that a few of the Bisson family members are buried with the royal family and de carteret family in the cemetery that the royals are buried in.
    Please help me if you can!

  53. Rachel says:

    Trying to find a John de Carteret who married Irene Lily Penna . She was born in 1899 Cornwall but was living on Guernsey when the 1911 census was taken. Elderly relatives know nothing further and are keen to find out more about John and his ancestors.
    Many thanks.

  54. Susan Watton says:

    Trying to find a Charles de Carteret, whose family lived in St Helier Jersey in the 1970’s, I believe he had three brothers and their father had been in the army. The house was near Howard Davies park, a lovely old house. I have fond memories of cooking lunch for the old gentleman who was always so grateful for looking after him. I would so love to find out about them. I was Susan Webb in those days early 1970’s and Charles had an old Morris Minor green car I think.

  55. Pam says:

    Just found an entry on this site for Esther Elizabeth DE CARTERET (b 1790) md to Rev. Jean Thomas AHIER. I believe this is wrong. Esther married Baron Don Antonio Lopez Suassa Diaz DA FONSECA on 8 May 1811, St Helier.

    • jthomas says:

      Hi Pam,
      Thank you for the information about Esther Elizabeth. Please look out for my e-mail sent in your *junk* box. Would be good to keep in contact for future reunions.

  56. John Perrine says:

    I am a direct descendent of Daniel Perrin. My father / grandfather grew up in Highstown NJ. My great grandfather 8x removed was the owner of Perrine farm, now on Monmouth battlefield and his farm used by General George Washington to fight the British. Also most likely the farm was part of the lore of Molly Pitcher in that same battle.

  57. Erica Cartrett says:

    Something feels amiss in my family tree somewhere between Thomas, Solomon, Abraham, Abraham. Can anyone help?

    Me -> Doyce Cartrett Jr. -> Doyce Cartrett Sr. -> Luther L. Cartrett (1898) -> Asa R. Cartrett (1860) -> John Calvin Cartrette (1831) -> Thomas Cartrette (1794) -> Solomon Cartrette (1770) -> Abraham de Carteret (1707) -> Abraham de Carteret (1687) -> Philippe de Carteret (1621) -> Jean de Carteret (1589).

    Also it is family lore that Asa Randle Cartrett was contacted as a living heir for a de Carteret inherence, which he turned down out of pride. Anyone know about an inheritance after 1860?

  58. Christy De Carteret Feit says:

    I have been looking into my husbands and now my sons family name De Carteret Feit. I was told that Henry De Carteret had five daughters and he asked his daughter to carry on his name. She used De carteret and Feit. Do you have any information on Henry De Carteret? I was also told he was banished from the throne?

    I don’t know where else to find more information.

  59. Stef Hare says:


    How does one become a member? My Grandmother is Hazel Catrett and my late Aunt was handling all of the family history however with her passing a lot of the information was lost. I am trying to track back our line from Catrett back to De Carteret. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    • jthomas says:

      Hi Stef,
      The Secretary will contact you through your e-mail address about membership. The Chairman will be informed to help you with your request for help on connecting your Cartrett to De Carteret hopefully.

  60. Kerry Southall says:


    Am trying to trace back my family line, my son is young and asking many questions, i had a family reunion at St Ouens Manour about 20 years ago and my granny was called Violet May De Carteret and her sister was called Mazel De Carteret and he really needed to know the family line he is from. Both my grandmother and her sister died many years ago and I have thought about this for many years, I think their father might have been Raymond Philip De Carteret.

  61. Kelly Edgar says:

    I sent a query last week regarding my possible / probable descendancy from Phillippe De Carteret III. Well …… that appears to be a fantasy of someone. We supposedly descended from Phineas Graves who supposedly had a spouse named Elizabeth Caterteret. It turned out we descend from a Phineas Hull who married Jerusha Hitchcock. They had a daughter named Dorcas Hull b 1685 in York Co; ME. Dorcas Hull m abt 1704 Phillip Cox of London….. they had a son Philip b 1705 in Bridgewater, Somerset Co; New Jersey, Colonial America ….. in close proximity to the Phineas Graves and his wife Elizabeth Carteret.

  62. Colleen Fisher says:

    It’s very interesting to read all about the de Carteret Martin family,
    My maiden name was de Carteret Martin, I am from Cape Town, my father was Peter Eric John de Carteret Martin, his father was named Eric de Carteret Martin who went to Elizabeth College in Guernsey. We went to see the college and the rector was amazing and showed us the ledger where he and his brother were signed into the school. My Dad was very overwhelmed as he did not have the best relationship with his Father Eric.
    Eric was born in Calcutta, he married Phoebe Florence who was my grandmother who was born in Shimla . Then , not sure when, they moved to South Africa.

  63. Katherine Montague says:

    In my search for my ancestors, I came across an Honora De Carteret, who was the daughter of Offray De Carteret, of which there seems to be no knowledge, said to be born before 1702. I am related to Offray and Honora through “Light Horse Harry Lee” and “Matilda Ludlow Lee” through their first born son who was disowned by his father because of a disagreement over a horse. The story that my grandmother told me handed down by her father was that he stole a horse from his father, but the true interpretation of what happened is unknown. I have found it interesting that some of the surnames going back into that lineage have turned up as relatives on my mother’s 23andme profile, so I’m inclined to believe this connection.

  64. Gregg says:

    Can anyone help me with one Carteret George Scott (d 1875), Madras Army 1819-35? I have learned that the De part of the name was dropped when they came to UK because it sounded too French? Does any one have anything to add?

  65. Carina Sydow says:

    Hello everybody, I’m a descendant of Philippe Carteret, born 1647 in France, Burgundy. So I’m searching for a connection between the Carteret’s in Normandy and the Carteret’s in Burgundy. Can anyone help me ?

  66. I am descendent of Joan Bulmer I have just found out I have Philip Carteret in my line which links me to you guys and Diana respectively.

  67. Helen Schofield says:

    Hi. I am researching my late busbands family for my children. Their grandmother told me that her family came from the Channels Islands. I have since discovered a De Carteret link, but would like it confirmed. Her grandfather was William Nicolle b 1833 died 1901 who was married to Mary Ann Roberts, daughter of Richard Robert and Marie De Careteret. I believe the lineage goes back to about the 900’s. Is there somewhere I can check names and dates. The family tree app has a lot on it but at time it is very confusing. There seem to be several of marriages to this family.

  68. Patricia G Carter says:


    I am a Virginia Carter. My Y DNA matches no other Carters in Virginia or in USA. One match in England, Oakleys in New York and Alldays in Virginia. Philip Carteret arrived in New York 1665 and Peter Carteret, the mystery man, in 1666 he was assistant governor of the British Colony of Albemarle, once part of Virginia. He returned to London and never was heard from again. Family lores say they came to America by way of New York and Jamestown, Virginia.
    Has a direct line male of Carteret had a Y DNA test?
    My male Carter is L2 HYPO.


  69. Valerie Bridgman says:

    My Grandmother was a De Carteret and I was born in Jersey, I am in the process of trying to do my family history My Grandfather was a Mauger.
    What I would like to know is anybody connected with these families ever been diagnosed
    with Monoclonal Gammopathy of undetermined significance
    MGUS for short
    Thank you

  70. Colin J Ely says:

    I am a descendant of Catherine de Carteret (1583-1610) My Grandmother was Mary Louisa LeNepveu and her father was Louis Magliore LeNepveu of Gurnsey

  71. Jacqueline Leigh says:

    My family is descended from someone who was on the “Philip” with Philip Carteret, arriving initially in Virginia in June, 1665, then moving on to NY and then Elizabethtown, NJ. Does anyone know how I can access a list of all the passengers who traveled on that ship, and anything else about them?

    • jthomas says:

      Hi Jacqueline,
      My suggestion to continue your search for names of people who travelled from England to Virginia in June 1665 is to try the Virginian Museum or their archive department. They might have a passenger list, as it was such an important part of America’s history.
      Please let me know how you get on with the search. Especially if you have a De Carteret link in your family.
      Best Wishes
      Jennifer Thomas (nee De Carteret) Secretary of Le Cercle De Carteret

  72. Claire Frost says:

    Hi am doing my family history but at the beginning so need more links to open it up. This is what I have Alice laura Nestler 1931 daughter.
    Alice Mary De Carteret mother 1909 – 1978?)
    She has 2 sisters Amy and Pat

  73. Alison SYME says:

    Hi I am related through my mother’s side through the surname Bisson. Catherine De Carteret 1555 to 1610, her father Francis F De Carteret 1560 his father Helier de Cartetet 1545 to 1615 and his mother Margaret Payn. I am trying to fill in the gapes in my Ancestry. I am wondering if anyone knows who Helier wife or father is. your help would be appreciated. kind Regards

  74. Dawn Allington. says:

    So interested to find all the Philips’s , Edwards and Heliers but I’m now totally confused after thinking I was on the right track
    My husband (Lyle Allington ) had a grand father Alfred George de Carteret son of Philip de carteret and Mary Ann (nee Le Quesne ) but I’m getting too many versions of the many generations back . Can anyone help and unravel all the the Sir Philippes , Heliers etc
    My husband was born in Jersey , and now sadly has dementia but is finding this really interesting and I want to share this journey correctly with him

  75. Melva Catrett Faulkner says:

    I am a direct descendant of Waccamaw Sioux Mary Emma and her husband who was a Carteret,they moved to Alabama from North Carolina,settling in the Orion area of Pike county Alabama. my grandfather was Roby Emory Catrett. his father was Jesse Catrett. Trying to to gather information,

  76. Alex de Carteret says:

    Just wondered if anyone has taken over running this site after the sad passing of Mike de Carteret? My dad was involved but is no longer able, I noticed that my sisters are in the database as his children, but he seems to have missed me, I will have words! Happy to be added.

    • jthomas says:

      Hi Alex,
      Thank you for your condolences regarding our Chairman Mike De Carteret. We are unable to add to the database at the moment, but might find another way to add names.
      Best Wishes
      Jennifer Thomas (nee De Carteret) Secretary of Le Cercle De Carteret.

  77. Stephen Parker says:


    My name is Stephen Parker and my mother was a De Jersey.

    Henry De Jersey (1731-1799 and my 5th great grandfather) was married to Susanne Le Quense (1739-1818).

    Susanne’s great grandmother was an Elizabeth De Carteret (1636-1730) who was the daughter of William De Carteret (1599-1664) and Marie De Remon (1600-1671)

    I’m currently going through the DNA process so that I have a better understanding of my family tree and ancestry as very little was spoken about it growing up in Australia.

    I have been fascinated reading the many stories about the De Carteret family and their influence over the history of the Channel Islands.

    Any information or links that you could provide would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you,

    Stephen Parker

    • jthomas says:

      Dear Stephen,
      Thank you for contacting Le Cercle De Carteret.
      I am very interested to see your family connections with our Jersey surnames.
      I found the connection for your family on our Database.
      William De Carteret married Marie Ramon.
      Elizabeth one of his daughters Married Jean Le Quesne.
      Marie who married Jean Cabot.
      Sara has no marriage recorded.
      Hope you can follow these records on our Data Base.
      The De Carteret family hails from Carteret a fishing Village in Normandy. They joined William the Conqueror for the Battle of Hastings, England in 1066.
      Jersey, where they were the foremost Family.
      As the island is only 20 miles from the French Normandy coast, it would be very easy to cross the sea. They established themselves and built their Manor which is still at St Ouens Parish. Jersey. The family were involved with the English Civil war.
      Le Cercle De Carteret is based in Guernsey, my grandfather came here from being born in Sark. My Uncles, Charles, Mike and John were the main instigators of our Family Gatherings and setting up Le Cercle De Carteret.
      As I have your details, I can continue the links to further your search.
      Best Wishes
      Jennifer Thomas (nee De Carteret) Secretary of Le Cercle De Carteret.

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