Le Cercle De Carteret Reunion 2024.

Le Cercle De Carteret Committee are organising a Weekend in Guernsey

Dates for our Reunion are September Friday 20th, Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd.

Our plan is to visit local attractions by coach tour with Evening DinnerThis image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Le-Cercle-de-Carteret-Letter-head-badge.jpg

February 2025

Please notify the Secretary through our Comments page to express your interest in attending.

Le Cercle De Carteret Reunion for September 20th,21st and 22nd in 2024.
Castle Cornet photo was taken at low tide with St Martins Headland.
Herm, Sark and Jethou were taken at low tide with the Brehon Tower and navigation sites.

Visit Guernsey.com


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God save King Charles III

« Carteret, I will add this to you

under my own hand that I can never

forget the good services you have done

to my father and me, and if god bless

me, you shall find I do remember them

to the advantage you and yours  and for

this you have the word of

Your very loving friend »

Charles R  

Letter from King Charles II to Sir George Carteret, 5th March, 1649 

Carteret, je veux ajouter à votre intention

 de ma propre main, que je ne pourrai jamais

oublier les bons services que vous nous avez rendus

à mon père et à moi et si dieu me bénit,

vous verrez que je saurai m’en souvenir

à votre avantage et à celui des vôtres et de

cela vous avez la parole de

                      Votre ami très aimant

                                         Charles Rex

Lettre du Roi Charles II à Sir George Carteret, après la mort de Charles I, décapité à Whitehall par Cromwell. Dans leur fuite, Charles I et son fils, le futur Charles II, avaient été recueillis quelque temps à Jersey par Sir George.

Our Loyal Devotion to King Charles the Third.
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Philip De Carteret R.N.

We have pleasure informing our members and interested parties of the launch of a new book by Jane Ashelford on the life and times of Philip De Carteret R.N.

Published by


Book of Philip De Carteret R.N. Navigator

Family History Research

De Carteret, Le Quesne & De Jersey connections

Another Interesting Connection – following on from Colin Le Messurier’s article in May 1998

Dear De Carteret descendants,

I am writing to you in the Spring of 2004 from the Island of Tasmania, Australia where my great great great Grandfather Charles De Jersey, was born in St Peter Port, Guernsey, Channel Islands, UK. In the 1850’s he came with his new wife Charlotte Golding and some children after visiting and living in New Zealand for a time, to the capital city of Hobart, Tasmania. And thus established a large clan in Tasmania.

Charles was a carpenter and emigrated as a free person as was the case for a great percentage of Australian descendants.

This is contrary to the popular myth propounded by media that most Australians are descendants of convicts – this latter assertion, in my case, is far from the truth as none of my direct ancestors were convicts.

I have enjoyed exploring the website and being able to connect my Great Great Great Great Grandfather Peter De Jersey to the De Carteret line.

Thank you to the person/s who have so generously created the Data Base and made it available and so easy to manipulate and navigate.

Peter De Jersey was the son of Henry De Jersey ( who hosted John Wesley & Adams at his home in St Peter Port Guernsey and was the driving force for Methodism in the Islands) who married Susanne Le Quesne (27/05/1739-21/05/1818).

My Great Great Great Great Great Grandmother Susanne (Le Quesne) De Jersey was the daughter of John Le Quesne and Susan Le Maistre. John’s Grandfather

John Le Quesne (3/05/1627) married Elizabeth De Carteret. Elizabeth was the daughter of

William De Carteret (1599 – 1664) and Sarah Sarre.

The line continues up to Guillaume De Carteret (980 – 1004), my 36th Great grandfather!

The interesting thing when I was reading the article by Colin Le Messurier was his connection to the late Princess of Wales via Sir Phillip De Carteret and Lady Georgina Carteret. This pair is my nineteenth great-grandparents, so I too would be connected to the Spencers and the young princes. So they do have another connection whether they like or not Downunder! What a surprise to discover.

I thought you might like to share with other De Carteret members this connection.


Kim O’Brien (Mr.)

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Bonhams of London Auctioneers.

On the 9th of November 2022, there will be in an auction at Bonhams a unique piece of our family history. Namely a document written in Latin and French/Jersey Patios regarding our illustrious ancestors.

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Le Cercle De Carteret Day in Carteret, Normandy, France

Around the year 990, we believe the first timber building of Maison Forte des Carteret was placed in close proximity to St Louis Chapel. The timber construction was erected. A flooded mote ditch encircled the area of the site. Guy de Carteret called L’Oiseleur (Bird Man) was its first owner. Over the years the dwelling was converted into a Manor House which was built in stone complete with a Chapel and outbuildings. The Carteret family at that time were also the Seigneurs of the Parish of Saint Ouen in Jersey.

Between 1348 and 1723 the property of the Manor in Carteret was no longer inhabited by the Seigneurial family nor by the purchasers of the Fief-Ferme. The property deteriorated and fell in ruins except for the Chapel of St Louis.

In 1723 the Manoir du Havre was built on the site.

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Le Cercle De Carteret Reunion in Jersey 2017

Charles and Georgina Malet De Carteret on the lawn at St Ouens Manor

Le Cercle De Carteret Jersey Reunion 2017.

Friday 12th of May
John George De Carteret met all the group attending our Le Cercle De Carteret weekend at the Societe Jersaise Head Quarters, in Pier Street.
John presented his line of De Carteret family research. We were shown documents and family photos. He explained that during the time spent gathering all documentation for the project, he discovered through looking at his Grandfathers details, he had Uncles and Aunts, also cousins he had previously not known about.
Our family group also shared their interest in recognising their links to the De Carteret name.

Saturday 13th of May,
Because John George is a member and volunteer of both Societe Jersaise and The Jersey Archives, he organised a special visit for our group on a Saturday morning to the Jersey Archives, St Helier.
We were very grateful for the volunteer staff who came to give the tour, we were shown how they take great care storing the bequeathed documents. Trudi our guide had prepared a display of some De Carteret documents she knew would be of interest to us. One very old deeds of sale, a document was particular interest as it was pertaining to a claim for reimbursement of goods lost while under Nazi Occupation. These and other documents are available to view. For anyone who wishes to use this research tool Jersey Archive membership is essential.

Archive Visit

Trudi from Jersey Archives showing a very interesting De Carteret piece of information.

Saturday evening some of the group joined a walking tour of St Helier. This was headed by Ned Malet de Carteret a Blue Badge accredited guide.
Ned seen here is explaining the Town church monument dedicated by the De Carteret Family.


De Carteret Memorial In St Helier's Town Church

Ned Malet de Carteret explains to our group about the De Carteret Window and Memorial


An evening at The Quayside Restaurant, St Helier, organized by Denise De Carteret where we had a very good evening meal.
Martyn Sayer the owner of the restaurant is very interested in the “De Carteret” family history, he has written an article about Sir George Carteret, which he presented to Le Cercle De Carteret. The article describes how Sir George Carteret and his family helped King Charles the Second while fleeing to Jersey during the English civil war. The King honoured The De Carteret’s and Jersey’s loyalty in 1645. The history can be found on Wikipedia or Books written about George Carteret’s life and times.


Sunday 14th May
Tantivy Bus Company organised by John George De Carteret, collected all our group from the various hotels in St Helier.
Our first stop was La Hougue Bie Prehistoric Burial Chamber that is under a large hill mound which has a medieval chapel on top of the mound.

There is a German bunker also in the area of Jersey Heritage site.
On special display in the premises at the side of the Burial Chamber is the spectacular Jersey Hoard which was found in a field, the huge soil and clay bound hoard has coins and gold jewellery still to be uncovered. It now has a permanent home at the museum. A display of various Geology and other information about Jersey’s natural history is also on display including artefacts discovered by archaeologists through the ages.
Close by are stones from the various Prehistoric tombs with descriptions of where the stones were originally placed in Jersey countryside.


The Chairman of Le Cercle De Carteret with members and Friends outside the Burial Chambers of La Hougue Bie, Jersey.

Lunch was held at “The Sir George Carteret” for 20 people. Although the sign outside the premises advises that they do not accommodate large coach parties, we had secured a booking for our gathering and having the name De Carteret being relatives were welcomed and had a lovely English Sunday lunch.

The Sir George Carteret Restaurant and Pub. A statue of George stands close by.


Our “Tantivy” coach had been hired for most of the day. We drove through the lovely Jersey countryside and on to St Ouen’s Manor.
We were welcomed by Charles and Georgina Malet de Carteret, and Charles brother Ned Malet de Carteret.
Charles and Georgina opened their home to our group, Charles gave the group all the detailed history about the construction of the Manor and also pointed out the Family portraits of people who previously lived in the Manor throughout its history.




Charles and Georgina Malet De Carteret explaining how the gardens and lake were designed at St Ouens Manor

On our tour of the gardens Charles described how his forebears had constructed the garden which is there today, we were shown a memorial to Monsieur Francis Scornet. A Frenchman who with other men sailed into St Peter Port, Guernsey, June 1942. They were escaping from France and mistakenly took Guernsey for the South of England. Little did they realise that the Channel Islands was occupied by the Nazis. Unfortunately Francis Scornet was suspected as being the ring leader and taken to Jersey, he was executed at St Ouen’s Manor as a warning to the population. Every year a memorial service is held in the gardens and attended by French delegates.

At 5.30 we were collected by an open topped vintage bus, Denise De Carteret organised and arranged the tour in memory of John Philip De Carteret one of our founder members, who passed away in 2015. We had very scenic hour long tour. With special permission to drive through the grounds of Trinity Manor. Which at one time was also the home of the De Carteret’s in Jersey.

Very kindly organised by Denise De Carteret in memory of John Philip De Cartert

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The Commemoration for our Sark Soldiers 1916 -2016

I Mike De Carteret Chairman of Le Cercle De Carteret, along with the committee and The Chairman of Le Cercle De Carteret - Mike De Carteret with the memorial plaquemembers of Le Cercle De Carteret, would like to offer the thanks of the de Carteret family to all those who organised the service for commemorating Harry De Carteret and Roy Toplis on Saturday 3rd September 2016.
The  Sark British Legion, Lt Colonel Reg Guille, Jeremy La Trobe Bateman, The Revered Julia Dallen for giving Harry a Funeral which he did not have in 1916.
Jeremy for making the Memorial, all those who came as mourners.
This ceremony of installing the plaque to Harry, now concludes a three year effort to complete the task, on the behalf of Le Cercle de Carteret to continue the de Carteret name to be forever involved in Sark.
Thanks also to the photographer and Sark Tourism for their article which appears in the magazine, and on their The mourners of Harry De Carteret (1916) Sark web site in the news section –  www.sark.co.ukThe British Legion Representatives at St Peters Church, Sark

 Kath Sarchet (nee De Carteret) niece of Harry De Carteret who died in the First World War 1916
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An Old Print of St Ouens Manor, Jersey, Channel Islands.

Please contact comment column

St Ouens Manor, Jersey, Channel Islands UK.

Beautiful print of St Ouens Manor in the possession of Ned Malet de Carteret


No offer necessarily accepted


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Sark Celebrations of 450 years of Colonisation.

Sark 450th Celebrations 6th August Event Article

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