De Carteret, Le Quesne & De Jersey connections
Another Interesting Connection – following on from Colin Le Messurier’s article in May 1998
Dear De Carteret descendants,
I am writing to you in the Spring of 2004 from the Island of Tasmania, Australia where my great great great Grandfather Charles De Jersey, was born in St Peter Port, Guernsey, Channel Islands, UK. In the 1850’s he came with his new wife Charlotte Golding and some children after visiting and living in New Zealand for a time, to the capital city of Hobart, Tasmania. And thus established a large clan in Tasmania.
Charles was a carpenter and emigrated as a free person as was the case for a great percentage of Australian descendants.
This is contrary to the popular myth propounded by media that most Australians are descendants of convicts – this latter assertion, in my case, is far from the truth as none of my direct ancestors were convicts.
I have enjoyed exploring the website and being able to connect my Great Great Great Great Grandfather Peter De Jersey to the De Carteret line.
Thank you to the person/s who have so generously created the Data Base and made it available and so easy to manipulate and navigate.
Peter De Jersey was the son of Henry De Jersey ( who hosted John Wesley & Adams at his home in St Peter Port Guernsey and was the driving force for Methodism in the Islands) who married Susanne Le Quesne (27/05/1739-21/05/1818).
My Great Great Great Great Great Grandmother Susanne (Le Quesne) De Jersey was the daughter of John Le Quesne and Susan Le Maistre. John’s Grandfather
John Le Quesne (3/05/1627) married Elizabeth De Carteret. Elizabeth was the daughter of
William De Carteret (1599 – 1664) and Sarah Sarre.
The line continues up to Guillaume De Carteret (980 – 1004), my 36th Great grandfather!
The interesting thing when I was reading the article by Colin Le Messurier was his connection to the late Princess of Wales via Sir Phillip De Carteret and Lady Georgina Carteret. This pair is my nineteenth great-grandparents, so I too would be connected to the Spencers and the young princes. So they do have another connection whether they like or not Downunder! What a surprise to discover.
I thought you might like to share with other De Carteret members this connection.
Kim O’Brien (Mr.)
I’m looking for any information on the Carteret family in India. My great grandmother x6 was Ann Carteret she married William Macket in Calculatta in 1700s, Her parent were philip Carteret and Ann?